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We can’t claim to be spiritually mature without first asking ourselves if we know, understand, and adhere to the essentials of the faith. Without a tool for measuring our spiritual progress, how do we know if we have what we need in order to succeed?

One of the steps in goal-setting is making sure a goal is MEASURABLE.  There are marks, or goals, that can be measured if you’re seeking to grow in your faith.  Numerous people go to small groups in their church, or attend Bible Studies, yet they may not be making much progress.  Unless you are learning basic principles that every Christian needs in their arsenal — to defeat the enemy in order to win, you may not be receiving the proper teaching you need.

Many mistake age for maturity, but we all know people who have grown in years, but not in maturity.
Just because someone has been a Christians for many years does not guarantee they are mature in the Lord.  Mature Christians are happy, joyful Christians.  They are helpful, useful, and encouraging.  They build others up and they add to, rather than deplete, those they are around.

So, here’s the question — ARE YOU SPIRITUALLY MATURE?

1.  The first essential to becoming spiritually mature is being born-again.  Salvation is required in order to become spiritually mature.  Without it we don’t have the Spirit of God working in us.  How does this process work?  The Spirit of God, takes the Word of God, and generates new life within the sinner’s heart who believes on Jesus Christ.  In other words, we must recognize we are a sinner in need of a Savior.  When –by faith– we ask Christ to come into our heart and make us a new creation — HE DOES SO.  This process doesn’t just happen when we go to church or read the Bible.  It comes by faith and by invitation.  The Holy Spirit woos us so we’re able to see our need and ask for it.  It is impossible to come to Christ on our own without the Holy Spirit working to bring us to Christ.

2.  After we have come to Christ, we must honestly examine our lives in the light of God’s Word.  The Bible is like a mirror and it lets us see ourselves for who we truly are, rather than who we think we are.  Clear thinking in this area is beneficial, for when we see our shortcomings clearly, we can ask the Lord to help us.  He will make us strong, when in our weakness, we acknowledge we’re in need of Him.

3.  We must obey what God teaches us, no matter the cost.  We must be “doers of the Word”, not just hearers only  (James 1:22).  Going to church is easy, attending a light Bible Study that requires little of us is easy…..but the blessing of God come in “doing” the Word.  Unless we are willing to obey what we learn, God is not obligated to teach us more (John 7:17).

4.  Be prepared for some additional trails and testings.  When we become diligent about moving forward in our spiritual growth process, be assured Satan will try and hinder that growth.  Romans 5:3 tells us that “tribulation works patience” in us and we’re in need of some testing for building up our endurance.  Without trails and testing you may believe you have endurance, but life becomes real outside the classroom.  Just as physical maturity takes time, spiritual maturity takes diligent effort and time.  Line upon line, and precept upon precept is how we grow in faith and maturity.

5.  We must measure our spiritual growth by the Word of God.  Be careful not to measure yourself against others, but by the Word of God and by His Son, Jesus. (Ephesians 4:13).  Jesus is our only standard.  Compare yourself to His teachings.  Do you love His Word?  Do you find yourself wanting to please Him and not others?  Never are you more free, than when you can honestly say “you would rather be with Jesus than anyone else.”
God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.  One of those rewards is that He will flood you with His love and once you get a taste for it, you’ll not want to return to your old life.  You’ll continually seek to be in His presence, because every time you do, you are left — SATISFIED.

For more on this subject see my book: “THE SECRET POWER OF GODLY WISDOM TO COMPLETELY TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE” by Lilliet Garrison.  Sold at Amazon.com, Amazon.uk.com, Kindle, Barnes and Noble, Nook, Books-A-Million, and at many other book stores.